In 1980, Namco created the arcade-exclusive action video game Pac-man, which Toru Iwatani devised. A few months after its initial release in Japan, it made its way to American markets. The pizza served at his restaurant served as the model for Toru Iwatani's character. The pizza appeared to have an open mouth because there weren't two of the required slices. With a cumulative income of almost $14 billion and 43 million unit sales, the game is still among the highest-grossing video games ever . HOW TO PLAY PAC-MAN ON GOOGLE DOODLE Both computers and mobile devices could be used to play the game. On launching day, all you have to do is open Google and you're done. You are facing the game. By clicking on the doodle, you may immediately begin having a lot of fun and savouring the beauty that the game radiates. The game can still be played in the same way online. You only need to enter "Pac-Man" in the search bar to access the doodle. Both a PC and a mobile device ca...
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